Mortgage Loan Calculators For You! |
Payment Calculator |
This easy to use calculator helps you to determine a
fixed payment for a certain loan amount over a
period of time. |
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Qualifying Calculator |
How much income does it take you to qualify for a
particular home? This calculator will tell you.
However, you may want to adjust the qualifying
ratios to 33/38 or whatever your local lender
recommends. |
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Affordability Calculator |
How much house can you afford with your income?
This calculator helps and is designed for those
putting less than twenty percent down. |
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Rent vs. Own |
Rents have risen considerably recently. This
calculator helps to show what your net gain may be
in owning rather than renting, taking many
considerations into account. |
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Principal After X Years |
Perhaps you plan to sell this home in five years and
want to know what your mortgage balance will be at
that time. |
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Principal Prepayment
Calculator |
This mortgage calculator tells you when your normal
payoff would be and when it would be if you paid a
specific extra amount each month. |
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Prepayment Analysis Calculator |
Suppose you want to pay off your mortgage in a
specific period of time. How much should you pay
monthly to accomplish your goal? |
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Principal or Invest the Money |
This calculator will help you make the decision on
whether it makes more sense for you financially to
pay down your mortgage or put some money away in
financial investments of various kinds. |
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Bi-Weekly Mortgage Calculator |
bi-weekly mortgage is basically the same as making
one extra mortgage payment a year. This calculator
tells you how quickly you�d pay off your mortgage if
you were making the payments every two weeks instead
of once a month.